Looking for workers
  • seasonal workers

  • short- term projects

  • resolving a business problem 

  • opening new company

  • new ideas and internships

  •  temporary testing of  production or service lines

Looking for a job
  • Do you want to work abroad?

  • Are you a student  who wants to work ocassionaly in the field of your profession?

  •  Do you have an idea or are working on a project?

  • Are you already employed but searching for a new job?

  • Do you want to gain quickly new experiences, knowledge or skills?

  • Do you want to work exactly what you are personally interested in?

About us

About us

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ADRIATIC is a Croatian temporary employment agency based in Zagreb. The agency aims its business activities at home market as well as foreign market, especially at the market of the EU. It is open to all citizens and companies, to all who have a good business idea or simply a good intention for a business cooperation.


verzij za logoOur mission is to encourage and contribute to the flexibility of the labour market by recognizing and satisfying the needs of our users for a competent work force of high quality. By constant education of our workers we want to prepare them for the challenges they face while entering the market; the market that is constantly changing and so requires flexibility, adjustment and high competences. Using a humanistic approach within organizational psychology we ensure our workers and our clients the conditions for a stabil and optimal development of our organizations and society as a whole.


verzij za logoADRIATIC will define itself as a recognizable agency that involves new trends into the area of human resource managment. It will build and expand the awarness that every organization exists and grows thanks to the people who work in them and by continuous investment in existing as weel as new markets, by development of the services and education of workers it will build the position of the regional lider and become a meaningful subject on the global market with developed business and social net which will serve as a platform for exchange of knowledge, ideas, projects for the welfare of our users, workers, partners, associates and wider social community as well.

Our philosophy

verzij za logoKnowledge is a crucial resource in the time we live in and in the time ahead and the only carriers of knowledge are people themselves; hence we always put people on first place and constantly invest into their development and give them support, so they could be permanently content and by that use their potentials maximally. We are convinced that with our content and skilled employees of the ADRIATIC agency we offer a service of high quality to our users and make them content. Because of the mentioned reasons, we consistently give support to our workers to realize, develop and completely use all of their potentials, meanwhile creating an extra value to our users, to the agency itself, but also, although indirectly, to the entire community as well.

What do we do?


Temporary employment/ agency work is a concept by which our company, as a employer, assigns our worker (agency worker) to the client, that is, to the user, and by this act it signs the Labor Contract with the worker and Agreement of consigning a worker with the user.

So, our company functions as an agency for temporary employment by law- regulated model of temporary employment. By our company we offer consigning the workers employed in our company (agency) to the users’s company for a temporary, short- term period of time.

Our company employs workers, leads them admistratively, does accounting and pays off their paychecks. Lenght of service continues to apply to the worker and he still has its health and pension insurance, enjoys a right to the proportional number of annual leave days, the right to day breaks, sick leave, holidays and days off and thus it put at the disposal to the users for whom the workers work in the process of labor while under the supervision of the users.

We operate on the labor market of  European Union

Our service

By offering the temporary employment service we do following activities:


We continuously hire people as agency workers and then consign them temporary to our clients on a fixed- term contract.


The agency carries out all the administrative demands and expenses. To all agency workers are ensured the same standards as for the employees in other companies.

We assign agency workers to our clients

According to the client’s demand we choose the most qualified workers from our agency portfolio. In case we miss workers, we search them throughout our established channels. We offer workers of different profiles, professions and skills.

We are in charge of administrative activities for the consigned workers

We permanently make all the administrative work for our agency workers which we assign to our users, which includes employer’s commitments, by what our clients are free of many different obligations and costs, and in this way benefit professionaly.

Our company takes care of the following activities related to workers, of which the user (employer) doesn’t need to worry anymore and thus can focus on his core work


  • Closing the Labor contract with workers (the contract is in a relation our company- worker)
  •  Registration of the workers to all authorities (in accordance to the Labor Law and to all other legal and sublegal acts of the Republic of Croatia and EU)
  • Dealing with all administrative activities related to the employment affairs
  •  Accounting and disbursement to the workers
  • Payment of all tax giving and fees for the worker and employer
  • Search and selection of the workers (if conctracted)
  • Replacement of the worker if incompetent (if conctracted). 

We give suggestions and advise our clients

We are happy to advise our clients and direct them on the area of human resources management. We assign them workers with the specific skills for resolving specific business problems and impose ourselves as proactive associates.

Benefits that bring our temporary employment service

For employers


Our company offers the concept „just in time“ hiring, just in the moment when you need it.

Less responsabilities and costs

The employer’s company is free of administrative and legal commitments related to the hired workers.


Flexibility toward the employer’s will regarding to replacement or cancelation of the worker


All the agency workers are verified and the most of them have experience as well as skills and knowledge obtained by working throughout our agency and by which they contribute greatly to every business environment.


What is agency work/ temporary employment?

Agency work/ temporary employment is a concept well developed in the countries of the EU, while in Croatia it is still in the process of development. The base of this concept is a fact that the agency consigns its worker (agency employee) to the use of client, that is, to the user, by what the agency signs a consigning agreement with the user and labour agreement with the worker.

What are the benefits of hiring people via ADRIATIC temporary employment agency?

Using our service you avoid the costs of searching the workers and the costs of dealing with related administrative activities. ADRIATIC agency makes a selection, finds and consigns a labor force for the time period you choose by your demand. Using the agency work services we enable you to fill shorter (sick- leaves) or longer (maternity leave) absences (payed or not) of your employees, to optimize the business seasonal needs or demands by specific projects. ADRIATIC agency will solve for you all the administrative activities and enable increase of productivity per employee because agency workers don’t register as your employee but ours (as employees of the ADRIATIC agency).

In which way does the relation user- agency- worker define?

The relation between the ADRIATIC agency and users is defined by the consigning agreement of workers and general terms and conditions of the ADRIATIC agency. In the agreement we define in detail the responsabilities of the user and ADRIATIC agency and other specificities related to the certain job position. An employee signs the Labor contract with the ADRIATIC agency on the ground of legal regulations and thus puts himself on the disposal of the user.

Which collaborational models for hiring the workers does the ADRIATIC agency offer to its users?

ADRIATIC agency offers to its users two basic models of collaboration adjusted to their needs: administrative- activities model (payroll) and working- hour model. There are other possible collaborational models acceptable for both sides and in accordance to law regulations.

What makes you different from the other temporary employment agencies on the market?

ADRIATIC agency is a start- up agency at the Croatian market. We are very enthusiastic and gain for success that will definitely come true. Our wish is to establish fair relations with users, take care of our workers, work on their education and help anyone who have desirved it with their appropach and skills, so that eventually we could offer to our users the best possible service there is and motivate our workers for further education and lifting their competitive skills.

What happens in case we hire a person who does not fullfil our requirements?

By the agreement that ADRIATIC agency concludes with its clients, if the candidate does not fulfill the requirements of a job position, ADRIATIC agency continues a search for an optimal candidate, without extra costs for our users.

What percentage of the commision fee does the ADRIATIC agency accounts to the user and does ADRIATIC agency differentiate form the other agencies in this case?

Calculation of the commision fee is based on more elements which ADRIATIC agency arranges with the user. One of the most important elements are  long- term cooperation, way of aquisition of workers (existing workers or search for new workers on the labor market by proffesional ADRIATIC services), the number of employees that are assigned to the user, time period of consigning, profile of the worker etc. ADRIATIC agency diferentiates from the other agencies by its individual approach to the user and thus finding the best solution for all parties included.

what is an administrative - activities model (payroll) and what form of settling the commitments between the parties does it imply?

  • Payroll is an ideal solution for the user in situations when:-       there are limitations for hiring an extra labor force (headcount block)-       you are not able to plan an exact number of employees (seasonal movements that depend on weather or other conditions; project demands)-       existence of a big staff fluctuation (specified job positions)-       you want to reduce the administrative costs of workers

    Benefits of payroll service

    –       A user is completely free of legal requirements worries related to employee, such as registration or notice of withdrawal of the worker or relation record (personal files, savings on human, spacial or applicative resources)

    –       A user doesn’t have to employ resources for salary calculation (staff, application demands, report level) or documentation storage related to the employee (fisical or applicative archive)

    –       Complete care of the employees, including health and sanitary deadlines examinations, if the specific job postition requires so

    –       The responsability for the confidentiality and safety of employees’s personal data and salaries is in domain of ADRIATIC agency

    –       as user you increase your own efficiency thanks to your focus on your core business, leaving all the activities mentioned above to the proffesional ADRIATIC agency services

    –       salary accounting by the payroll model implies payment of the agreed fee on gross salary of the worker

    ADRIATIC agency takes over employment and work release responsabilities for every agency worker what means that the user in not obliged. It also prepares unpleasant care of excess of labor force programes according to law regulations


Prednosti payroll usluge:

  • Korisnik je oslobođen kompletne brige o zakonskim obvezama vezanim uz zaposlenika, nema obaveze u smislu prijave, odjave zaposlenika, odnosne evidencije (osobni dosjei, ušteda na ljudskim, aplikativnim i prostornim resursima)
  • Korisnik ne mora angažirati resurse za obračuna plaća (osoblje, aplikativni zahtjevi, izvještajni nivo), arhiviranje dokumentacije vezane za zaposlenika (arhiva fizička i aplikativna)
  • kompletnu brigu o zaposlenicima, uključujući brigu o zdravstvenim i sanitarnim pregledima (rokovi) ukoliko ih određeno radno mjesto zahtjeva
  • odgovornost za povjerljivost i sigurnost osobnih podataka zaposlenika i njihovih plaća je u domeni ADRIATIC Agencije,
  • Korisnik povećavate vlastitu efikasnost zahvaljujući usmjerenosti na svoj “core business”, prepuštajući sve naprijed navedene poslove stručnim službama ADRIATIC Agencije

Obračun plaće prema modelu administriranja (payroll) podrazumijeva naplatu dogovorene provizije na bruto II plaću radnika.

ADRITIAC Agencija preuzima brigu o zapošljavanju i raskidu radnog odnosa za svakog agencijskog radnika, Korisnik nije u obavezi,u slučaju potrebe smanjenja broja radne snage pripremati nikad ugodne programe zbrinjavanja viška radne snage, u skladu sa zakonskim propisima.

What does the salary accounting by working- hour model implies?

The salary accounting by working- hour model implies an accounting by which ADRIATIC agency charges the user only the productive working hours what means that annual leave, sick leave, notice periods, holidays and other absences of workers, except daily breaks, represent unproductive working hours and thus the ADRIATIC agency does not charge them to their users.

Which all administrative tasks ADRIATIC Agency resolves its Users, if the user chooses to engage agency workers?

ADRIATIC Agencija svog Korisnika (Vas) oslobađa svih administrativnih poslova vezanih za ustupljene radnike, što znači sklapanje Ugovora o radu, obračun i isplatu plaća radnicima te uplaćivanje doprinosa, prijave i odjave na Zavod za mirovinsko i zdravstveno osiguranje, vođenje obvezne mjesečne i godišnje evidencije te evidencije o godišnjim odmorima i bolovanjima, te sve vezane i zakonom uvjetovane izvještaje prema nadležnim tijelima.

Koje obveze Korisnik ima prema radnicima?

Korisnik je obvezan ispunjavati one zakonske odredbe i propise, prema Zakonu o radu, kojima su uređeni zaštita zdravlja i sigurnosti na radu i posebna zaštita određenih grupa radnika, što podrazumijeva opremanje zaštitnom odjećom i obućom ukoliko to narav posla zahtijeva i ukoliko sporazumom nije drugačije uređeno. Korisnik je također zadužen,  za organizaciju rada radnika, u skladu s definiranim radnim procesima, zatim za raspoređivanje radnika na rad, te za vođenje evidencije prisustva radnika na radnom mjestu.
For agency employees


The employment safety within the unsecured business conditions. In the case of cessation of employment in one company, an another job in other company is quickly found for the worker, free of charge.

New opportunities

New opportunities for working abroad.

Working standards

Continuous and ensured years of service, health ensurance, pension ensurance.


The flexibility of changing work position is offered to the employees what enables them greater mobility toward jobs that interest them and by which they can build their skills or capacities, make work experience and enrich their curiculums.


What is agency work/ temporary employment?

Agency work/ temporary employment is a concept well developed in the countries of the EU, while in Croatia it is still in the process of development. The base of this concept is a fact that the agency consigns its worker (agency employee) to the use of client, that is, to the user, by what the agency signs a consigning agreement with the user and labour agreement with the worker.

In which way does the relation user- agency- worker define?

The relation between the ADRIATIC agency and users is defined by the consigning agreement of workers and general terms and conditions of the ADRIATIC agency. In the agreement we define in detail the responsabilities of the user and ADRIATIC agency and other specificities related to the certain job position. An employee signs the Labor contract with the ADRIATIC agency on the ground of legal regulations and thus puts himself on the disposal of the user.

What makes you different from the other temporary employment agencies on the market?

ADRIATIC agency is a start- up agency at the Croatian market. We are very enthusiastic and gain for success that will definitely come true. Our wish is to establish fair relations with users, take care of our workers, work on their education and help anyone who have desirved it with their appropach and skills, so that eventually we could offer to our users the best possible service there is and motivate our workers for further education and lifting their competitive skills.

How can I get a job via your agency?

Send us your curiculum which we will get analized and in case of interesting job offers we will contact you. If we don’t have a demand for your profile at the moment we will archive your CV and contact you when we hear from an employer searching for a profil that suits you.Sign

For how long can I work via your agency?

In accoordance with the Labor Law you can work via our agency for a maximum of one year continuously. Have in mind that the termination of work that is less than one month is not considered as termination of period of one year, although new ZOR is in the process of approval by which the deadline of one year will extend to three years.

How many days of paid leave am I entitled to if working via your agency?

According to the regulations of our agency, every worker has a right to maximum of 7 days of paid leave per year.

How many days of annual leave am I entitled to while working via your agency?

According to the Labor Law, every person who is in a working relation is entitled to at least 18 days of annual leave. You are entitled to this right after 6 months of being in a work relation. The number of days of annual leave is defined by the Labor Law and if the employee is in a work relation less than 6 months gains a right to the proportional part of the annual leave.

What percentage of my salary does the agency takes, if I get hired over you?

Our agency doesn’t take any fee from our workers for the agency services, that is, for the assigning a worker to the user. The cost of agency services is defined by the agreement between the agency and the user, so it is paid by the user, not you.

Does the salary of the agency worker differentiates in relation to the worker that is employed directly by the user on same or similar jobs?

The agency takes care of its workers. Also, it is defined by the legal regulations that the salaries of the agency’s workers mustn’t be less than of the workers employed by users on same or similar positions.

What makes us diferent?

Team- work culture

We want to be a client’s part of a team so that we could be able to easily recognize and satisfy his needs.


We act at the european market

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By entering the EU, we are engaged with and directed towards western and northern countries of the EU. We continuously develop our business network of clients and associates toward whom we are building a recognition by our approach .

We are innovative and educate our employees and agency workers

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Our principal and the most valuable resource is knowledge of which the only carriers are people. We are aware of the great meaning of the satisfaction and continuous development of our employees and workers, so we give a great attention to the quality of managing human resource management. We systematically direct our workers to the adequate job position that suit them so that we could represent all of qualities they possess, satisfy completely our client, so that our workers could gain more experiences and develop their skills.

Our workers are the carriers of knowledge, ideas and solutions for your company

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To our users we want to enable creating an extra value by our advising activities and applicable solutions as well as other values that enter via agency workers. Our workers aren’t just numbers that will fill open job positions, but individuals with new ideas, skills and experiences that will contribute, more or less, to the development of your company.

For that purpose, we systematically and precisely direct our workers toward a specific job postition and employer with the aim of :

–       Maximum utilization of worker’s skills, knowledge and capacities that leads to higher productivity and satisfaction of a employee who works for our client

–       High level of importance of worker’s abilities, knowledge, ideas and skills for a certain company

Worker’s proffesional development by gaining new experiences, developing skills and knowledge while working for different employers and on different projects

We want to be different and so we continuously improve our organization

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By this approach we position ourselves as a recognizable company that is different and has an important role in the service of satisfying client’s needs for human resources.

We are orientated toward long- term success

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As a company, the only success we can acomplish and the only success there is, is a long- term success and the means for that are pleasure and trust of our clients, employees and workers.


We are open to all individuals and organizations

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Our portfolio of workers and clients contains of many skills and activities. We will always find the  time to listen and dedicate ourselves to the needs of individuals and organizations and try to find a suitable solutions or common interest.

We do not divide people regarding stereotypes or qualifications.

we are especially open to educational institutions and organizations, students, investers and project – designers.

We are happy to participate in social public gatherings, fairs, seminars and will always answer to your invitation, if possible.

Working with us

 To make a first step, just apply with the application form; you don’t need to register yet

Looking for workers?


Looking for a job?


After you apply



We will send you a notice as soon as possible about your status

We will evidence you as our potential candidates

In case we have an offer for you we will contact you by phone

In case we don’t have a prepared offer for you we will contact you as soon as new opportunity comes along

We will send you new notifications and information if you decide to accept it in your application


Kontakt podatci


E-mail: info@adriatic-hrm.com

Info broj :
+385 99 6012 522
+385 99 4211 322

Radno vrijeme:
Ponedjeljak – Petak 08:00 – 16:00h

Adresa: Samoborska cesta 93,
10 000 Zagreb,

Contact info


E-mail: info@adriatic-hrm.com

Info number :
+385 99 6021 522
+385 99 4211 322

Working hours:
Monday – Friday 08:00 – 16:00h

Address: Samoborska cesta 93,
10 000 Zagreb,

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